Photophobia. Burning of the eyes from artificial light or candle light, especially while reading. Lachrymation in the open air; the tendency to water is more marked in the right eye.
The right eye hurts as if a foreign object were under the upper lid; stitches extend from the eye to the forehead, and the conjunctiva of the lid is red. There is violent pain in both upper lids; they ache with every movement. There is severe heaviness in the lids.
The pain in the eye feels as if the eyeball is being pressed out.
Neuralgic pains: A violent stitching pain is experienced between the right eye and the frontal eminence (nervus supraorbitalis), inducing tears in the eyes. Stitches are felt along the course of the nervi supraorbitales and supratrochleares, on the left side; boring pain along the upper border of the orbit of the right eye, in fits.
Feeling of a thorn in the left eye in the morning upon rising, compelling him to rub it; he can’t open the eye.
Violent tension and pressure in the inner ear.
Dull, stitching pain in one or both ears simultaneously, as if there were a foreign body in the ear.
Violent stitching pain that presses outward in the inner part of the left ear and is usually constant, but occasionally varies in strength. It is worse in the evening and is aggravated by drinking and smoking.
Cramp-like stitching pain in the left ear, extending from the opening of the Eustachian tube to the pharynx.
Ringing and roaring in the ears.
Tearing in the right mastoid process. Tearing pain through inner parts of both ears.
The nose discharges a thick tenacious mucus.
Coryza especially in the left nostril.
Transient tearing pain from the supraorbital border of the left orbit, down to the
inner canthus and wing of the nose.
Tearing pain from the inner canthus of the right eye down to the upper lip, with a feeling that these parts are swollen.