The skin is generally unhealthy, and even small wounds tend to suppurate and do not heal well. It looks pale and flabby or dry, shrivelled and yellow. A bloated appearance has also been noted. The skin often feels cold to the touch.
Rough and dry skin, with an appearance like a miliary eruption; or a bran-like coating of the skin.
Chapped or fissured skin, especially in those who work in water.
A visible quivering in the skin, from feet up to the head, followed by dizziness. Outbreaks of itching and burning eruptions on various parts of the body; the itching is worse in bed on becoming warm, and particularly towards morning.
Itching vesicular eruption over the whole body, especially above the hips. Chronic form of urticaria, mostly disappearing in cool air.
Erysipelas in repeated attacks.
Milk-white spots on the skin, with dark borders.
Eruptions of white spots and some scattered red patches, on the wrists, the back of the hands, thighs, legs and ankles, with violent irritation. Spots glistening through the skin.
Petechial eruptions.
Eczema, thin moist scabs upon the head, with swollen cervical glands; eczema behind the ears.
Acne indurata or punctata.
Blisters that leave raw spots, or are converted into ulcers, especially on the elbow, on the upper arm and forearm; accompanied by a bloated, florid and scaly appearance of the face, and a scabby condition of the feet.
Old ulcers, deep, fistular, and carious, with throbbing pain and tearing around them, and a stench as from rotten eggs.
Round swellings, which appear in different places on the joints of the upper limbs, lower legs, feet and breasts.
Needle-like stitches in the skin.
Encysted tumours.
Warts. They appear, itch, bleed, and disappear; or become inflamed, with stinging, suppurate and form ulcers.
Suppression of eruptions may bring on different kinds of pathology, like