calves and hands; tearing and drawing pains in the arms; cold clammy feet; determination of blood to the head, with heat; and so on. Throw themselves about continuously. Respiration may be short, asthmatic, snoring and sobbing. Perspiration, especially of the head and nape of the neck, often accompanies the restless sleep. One symptom from the proving that shows how weakness and sleepiness can exist simultaneously with sleeplessness is: ‘At night, stupefaction in head, which awakens him and continues to aggravate almost to fainting, followed by trembling of limbs and prolonged lassitude, so that he cannot fall asleep again. ’
In the morning patients have difficulty becoming fully awake. ‘Very exhausted on waking from deep sleep in the morning, the drowsy condition continues even after rising. ’
On the other hand, we see a marked sleepiness during the day. All day very tired and sleepy; falls asleep several times during morning. Stretching and frequent yawning, sometimes followed by pulsations in the head, abdomen, and chest, which shake him, with severe heat in the face. An irresistible urge to sleep after a meal, especially after supper, is also frequently seen.
As previously mentioned, Calcarea people tend to be chilly people with a great predisposition to ailments from exposure to cold and to catching a cold.
A feeling of great internal chill is often seen, but even more characteristic is a coldness of the surface even when there is congestion of internal parts. Coldness of single parts: head, face, hands and feet; coldness of the body and cold sweat during palpitations accompanied by anxiety; cold and white tongue, lips, and hands, cold forehead and face from a fright; coldness of the body with indistinct vision during an attack of faintness.
Chill may come on in the evening, for several hours; after walking, with fatigue and thirst; on rising from bed; cold air or draught is not tolerated easily and makes them shudder, with goose-flesh on the thighs and legs. The feet grow numb, as if dead. Working and washing in water aggravates all symptoms.
Inward chill alternating with flushes of heat.