
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1359

Cold, white hands; also from a slight fright.
Painful swelling at the carpus, and itching when touched. Swelling of the hands. Eruption of vesicles on the back of the hand, filled with clear fluid; turning into urticaria after scratching. Warts on the arms, hands and fingers.
Psoriasis palmaris.
The fingers go numb; index, middle, and ring finger going numb, white, and cold, which is preceded by a slight drawing in them.
The finger joints became much swollen’ (from Berridge’s proving). Also: ‘Pain of finger joints, as if they were swollen, on waking from (evening) sleep, without visible swelling’ (Hahnemann).
Rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers.
Cramp-like contraction of the muscles and tendons of the fingers; when stretched, they feel as if they were tense and indrawn, as if they were glued together.
Brittle finger nails. Nails become distorted and produce deep-seated panaritia. Painful weariness of the lower limbs, especially the thighs, as from exertion while walking.
Lower limbs ‘go to sleep’, in the evening when sitting.
Paralytic pain as if bruised or beaten in the long bones and joints of the lower limbs on motion; muscles are painful to the touch.
Extreme lassitude of the lower limbs on walking; in the evening; after coitus; so severe that they seem unable to support the body any longer, knees seem to give way. May be felt in the thighs, knees, ankles, feet, everywhere.
Great restlessness in the lower limbs; in the evening, cannot keep them still; sometimes with much belching.
Children are very slow to walk, or forget how to walk.
Viscous night sweat only on the lower limbs.
Drawing and shooting pains in the hips; coxalgia with drawing stitches, or tearing, or cutting. A drawing pain as if luxated in the hip joint, on walking. Hip- joint disease, with contraction or dislocation.
Sciatic pain caused by working in cold water, which extends down into the limbs and keeps them in constant unease.
Numb feeling on the right hip and thigh, as if these parts were brittle and as if
they are short and small.