jerk-like drawings in the wrists and up the arms; stitching jerk in the right leg, so that it suddenly jerks upward; choreatic trembling of the upper and lower limbs in spells.
Coldness and perspiration of the hands and feet, particularly at night.
Nightly drawing and tearing in the arms. Nocturnal pains in the back and arms. Sudden lassitude of the arms, as if paralysed.
Sensation of a mouse running up the arm before an epileptic attack.
Restlessness and anxiety in arm and hand joints.
Stitches in the left shoulder joint, all day. Arthritic pains in the right shoulder. Shoulder joints become stiff at night, on beginning to sleep; has to put arms over head.
Arms painful as if bruised or beaten, on motion or touch.
Burning paralytic pain in the entire right arm, from the finger joints to the shoulder. Cramp in the whole arm, left or right, for a quarter of an hour.
The arm he lies on goes numb, with pain.
Weakness and a kind of paralysis of the left arm; has difficulty moving or raising it; the arm is then inclined to fall down again by itself.
Cramp-like tearing pain at the outside of the forearm, from the elbow to the carpus, as soon as he grasps something with his hand.
Cramping pain at forearm, below the elbow joint.
Pain as if luxated in the right wrist, or as if something was sprained or dislocated.
An example observed by Keller: ‘Tennis elbow for months. After extensive handicraft activity, pain and impeded mobility at the left outer epicondylus and the right wrist. Elbow pain impedes the lifting of objects with the arm stretched and pronated; the wrist is sometimes painful when he supports himself with the hand or when exerting the hand, with pain as from a dislocation or sprain. Three weeks after taking Calcarea carbonica, a catarrhal condition set in, and two days later, the arm pains disappeared completely.’ {Klassische Homeopathie 36 (1992) 5, Page 189)
Swelling of radius and crusts on skin, smelling like cheese.
Cramp in the hands, at night, lasting till he rises in the morning.
Trembling of the hands, for several hours, in the afternoon.
Perspiration of the hands. Perspiration of the palms, on moderate movement of the body.