
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1354

The word ‘almost’ has to be noted. There are cases where the flow is late, scanty, or suppressed, where Calcarea acts curatively, as the materia medica shows (see below), but these are an exception.
Profuse menses may be membranous and dark-coloured; too frequent, with consequent anaemia.
Menses last two weeks, with an interval of two weeks.
The least excitement brings on a return of profuse catamenia, dysmenorrhoea, or metrorrhagia.
Suppression of menses from working in water; from fright; in plethoric women, or: menses late, at times scanty, with bloating (observed in cases of goitre). Complaints as if menses would set in: pain in the lumbar region and in the ossibus iliacis.
Voluptuous dream the night before the menses start.
Before menses: headache; aching of the hips and back; breast pain and swelling; chills; leucorrhoea; feels very sick and is easily frightened, a trifle frightens her very much.
At the onset of menses, there is painful cramping; membranous dysmenor¬rhoea. Other complaints during menses: determination of blood to the head, with heat in the head; agglutination of the eyes in the morning, head feels heavy, difficult thinking; nausea and vomiting, with ineffectual urging for stool; drawing pressing pains, with stitches in the abdomen and here and there, and restlessness amounting to faintness; contracting, pinching abdominal pain when the flow stands still; involuntary urination on every movement. Metrorrhagia; profuse and bright red; with leucorrhoea, during climacterium. Prone to uterine haemorrhages; tendency to miscarry; Calcarea may be indicated in patients inclined to miscarriage, who have profuse menses. Sometimes the flow continues in the first month of pregnancy, with much pain. Milk-like leucorrhoea, itching and burning. The discharge may come on before or after menses, but it sometimes also intermingles with the menstrual flow; often it is mainly discharged during micturition. Frequent leucorrhoea between profuse and too early menses. Discharge in fits and starts; worse after exercise; very debilitating; with stinging in the os uteri and aching in the vagina; with burning in the cervical canal; with accumulation of mucus between the labia and thighs.
Burning and itching of the genitals is a marked feature, as in the male