a rough voice in the morning, which is improved by hawking. Hoarseness with oppression of the chest can also appear after a walk in the open air.
In general, talking debilitates greatly, and aggravates headache and cough. The larynx feels raw, especially in the morning, and there is pain on swallowing. Chronic laryngitis. Ulceration of the larynx.
The key-note in the field of respiration is: shortness of breath after going up the slightest ascent.
Shortness of breath or pressure on the chest is also frequently experienced while walking or after a walk in the open air. In other words, it is aggravated by walking in the wind and then going indoors and taking even only a few steps; from stooping; at night while lying down, wakes after midnight, breathing heavily; after stool, with anxiety; during coryza. Anxiety felt in the chest. The oppression and anxiety can be so severe that the patient almost suffocates.
On walking, difficult and loud breathing through the nose has been observed; this symptom has been emphasised especially by Hering, who observed it also in cases of tuberculosis that benefited from Calcarea.
The difficult breathing may be relieved by bending the shoulders back. Oppression of the chest as if it were too full and full of blood, often with palpitation, restlessness, and thirst at night.
Feeling of tightness and tension in the chest; sometimes relieved by raising the shoulders.
There is a frequent desire to take deep breaths; the lungs seem unable to expand enough. With these deep inspirations, stitches in the chest occur, and also in the abdomen; stitches go through the abdomen to the back or through the heart, with the catching of breath.
Sobbing or snoring respiration in sleep.
Constriction of the chest, with anxiety; alternating with pain in the abdomen.
Weakness in the chest after speaking loudly.
A raw or sore feeling in the chest occurs especially on inspiration, but also after much talking, after walking (‘movement of feet’, as Hahnemann puts it) or coughing.
Stitches in the chest and the sides when moving; when lying on the side affected; in the left side on bending to the left; ameliorated by rubbing the chest. There