
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1342

Eruptions in the face with violent itching compelling the patient to scratch frequently. Scurfy pimples at the margin of the red portion of lower lip. A crusty eruption on the right cheek with itching and burning, which was worse after washing the face, was cured with Calcarea carbonica (Archiv fur Homoopathische Heilkunst, 17/2). Urticaria that disappears in cool air.
A chewing motion of the jaws can be observed in sleep, and also before epileptic attacks.
There is a persistent sour taste, and food becomes sour in the mouth. Sour saliva collects in the mouth and the patient constantly spits it out. A foul taste as from indigestion of the stomach, a bitter taste, or a metallic lead-like taste have also been observed during the proving; these symptoms occurred mostly in the morning. ‘Cold water is the only thing which has a good taste’, Hering remarks.
The tongue is often dry, especially at night and in the morning, and can be moved with difficulty, so that talking may be difficult and speech seems clumsy; he does not like to talk. Rough streaks are to be found in middle of a dry tongue. An excess of saliva in the mouth is also prominent in the remedy picture. These two states can alternate. ‘Catarrhal inflammation of mouth and fauces, when salivation alternates with dryness of mouth and lips.’
The tongue may be coated white, or it can be red and raw, or dirty, with a nasty taste.
The sublingual glands can be swollen; and there may be pain beneath the tongue on left side, behind the hyoid bone, on swallowing. There is also a burning pain on the tip of the tongue, as if it were sore; the prover couldn’t take anything warm into his mouth because of the pain.
Vesicles form on the tongue, also on the inside of the cheeks, and they burn. They open and form ulcers. The mucous membranes of the cheeks swell, and ache with a drawing, tearing pain.
Difficult and delayed dentition is a key-note of Calcarea carbonica.
The teeth are very sensitive and cannot endure any draft of air or cold. ‘Toothache in all teeth (as from fine needle-like stitches), aggravated by intrusion of cold air into mouth’ (Hahnemann).