
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1336

Head very sensitive to cold, which creates a headache that feels as if a board were lying on the head and pressing on it. The body feels chilly.
A throbbing or hammering headache, especially in the occiput.
Heaviness in the forehead, worse from reading or writing.
Stitches in the head, especially on the side of the head, above the temple. Tearing headache from above the eyes down to the nose, with nausea. Kent comments that this headache sometimes feels as if a great wedge is lodged there. ‘This headache continues to grow worse during the day until, in the evening, it becomes so severe that it is attended with nausea and vomiting. ’ Brain feels as if it is squeezed and relaxed alternately.
Headache begins in the occiput and spreads to the top of head. They are so severe that she thinks her head will burst, and that she will go crazy.
Concussive, stitching, pulsating pains in the head, as if it would split, with cough. Frequent one-sided headache, always with a lot of empty eructation.
Sick headache on the left side, with scanty menses; on the right side, with profuse menses.
Headache every seven days, or headaches once in two weeks; periodic headaches.
Congestion to the head is a strong feature. The head feels full, dull, confused or stupefied and this may be accompanied by heat in the head and face. The face may be red and puffy, or else the head is hot and heavy with a pale face. The hands and feet are often very cold.
On the other hand, icy coldness within and on the head is a key-note. The coldness may also be described as a feeling of numbness, a cold as if the head is made of wood. This feeling can occur together with congestion. Kent says that the feature ‘the more marked the congestion of internal parts, the colder the surface becomes’ is so strong that it is almost a general condition. There is burning in the vertex with coldness of the forehead, or the whole head may feel cold except for a burning spot on vertex. The burning in the vertex may come on after grief, as described by Hering.
In children the bones of the head do not develop well, and a characteristic feature is a large head with open fontanelles; fontanelles do not close on time. Head sweats and enlarged lymph nodes often accompany this condition.