in children during dentition), also has sour diarrhoea, which accompanies disorders of the mucous membranes.
Eruptions appear behind the ears, especially in cracks that are located behind the inferior aspect of the ear, level with the ear-lobe. This eruption is seen primarily in children. The other main remedy for an eruption in such a location is Graphites·, however, the Graph, eruption will ooze a sticky, honey-like fluid.
The Calcarea sleep is restless and disturbed, with waking at 2 or 3 a.m., cannot return to sleep. Nocturnal anxiety states are frequent. Children have nightmares; they wake at 2 or 3 a.m. screaming and cannot be made to understand that it was merely a dream. In the morning, however, they remember nothing of it. A key-note is ‘horrible visions upon closing the eyes’. The patient has anxiety before going to sleep or falling asleep; also ‘when the evening draws near’ (Hahnemann).
Lachry mati on:
Lachrymation is a key-note for Calcarea. This lachrymation occurs typically in the right eye and can be triggered both indoors and outdoors. It is provoked relatively easily by mere exposure to a small amount of open air. ‘Lachrymation of eyes, in the open air or in the morning. ’ (Hahnemann)
Stomach and Food Desires:
There is a peculiar empty sensation or ‘sinking feeling’ in the stomach which can cause these people to eat despite an absence of appetite. It is a form of nervous eating. Other remedies experience a similar emptiness (Phosphorus, Sulphur, Sepia), but at specific hours. In Calcarea the emptiness is constant.
Calcarea has a desire for sweets, salt and farinaceous food, especially pasta, and of course, a desire for eggs, especially soft-boiled eggs. This feature is a well-known key-note of the