In contrast, Calcarea children are more assertive, at times to the extent that they are obstinate. Their personalities are very strong, their desires are definite, and their determination to obtain their wants is pronounced.
Ailments from impaired nutrition:
As Boericke points out, impaired nutrition is the key-note that expresses Calcarea’s chief action on the physical level of the organism. The pathology can involve any system of the body, but the musculo-skeletal system and the lymphatic system are two areas that are especially affected. Whenever the skeletal and lymphatic systems are involved simultaneously, Calcarea should be considered. Glands are often swollen, perspiration is increased, generally, as well as locally, and there is a tendency to tubercular and rachitic conditions.
The bones often suffer faulty development. The bony tissues develop slowly, and this is often coupled with lymphatic enlargements. The fontanelles remain open for an unusually long time. The bones are very soft and the extremities become crooked and deformed. Curvature of the bones, especially of the spine and the long bones are prevalent. Deficiencies of calcium appear as: rachitis; caries of bones; necroses; osteomyelitis. On the other hand, there are also exostoses and swellings of bones.
Injuries of bones are slow to repair. Injuries to the periosteum, e.g. when a hammer strikes it through the muscles, may be cured by Calcarea, as may boring, stinging or pulsating sensations in the bones.
The joints are often affected: they crackle and crepitate, as if they were dry; there appear arthritic nodosities, accompanied by stiffness of the joints. Calcarea has joint affections like hip-joint disease or