
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1317

have a feeling of power. Calcarea is averse to everything and feels great annoyance.
They are taciturn and indisposed to talk. They feel aversion, loathing and disgust towards most other people. On the other hand, Calcarea can have the symptom: ‘solitude is annoying, with coldness of face, hands, and feet.’ (Hahnemann)
Obstinacy in children:
Obstinacy is found in children who are inclined to grow obese; they are fretful and stubborn. Calcarea children are sensitive; they become depressed and think constantly about death and dying or about religious matters. They become anxious upon closing their eyes at night because of night terrors; may be frightened of everything they see.
In Calcarea the muscles become very flabby. As an obvious consequence obesity and flabbiness are the dominant characteristics of this remedy. We can, however, find a variety of appearances, especially in adults, where not all of them are overweight. In fact, some Calcarea individuals are quite skinny. In these instances, the skin of these lean Calcarea individuals has a peculiar texture, which is rather thick and coarse. Their faces may be very wrinkled with fine but deep lines, which criss-cross the face dividing it into small squares. This wrinkling, together with the anxiety presented by Calcarea, may give these patients’ faces a somewhat care-worn expression.
The Calcarea Child
We will follow the image of Calcarea carbonica as it is develops from infancy through adolescence. The typical picture of the Calcarea baby, is that of a white, overweight, flabby child with a