
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1311

when one of these fears is coupled with an overwhelming fear that others will observe their mental state, it points exclusively to Calcarea. It is a strong enough key-note that, if the patient has this symptom, even without additional fears or physical ailments and modalities, Calcarea is the indicated remedy.
One of the fears that in Calcarea can grow to tremendous intensity is the anxiety about health and the fear of death (thanatophobia). When physical ailments prevail, this fear can be of mild intensity, and the Calcarea patient will not pay much attention to it. This anxiety, however, is capable of increasing to such a degree, and the fear of death can be so overwhelming, that the patient lives in an inferno; his life is totally destroyed by it. In this case, the fear dominates and is the first thing of which the patient complains. The most common forms of this fear are: fear that he will die from cancer or heart disease, or that he will lose his reason. The fear can become the main pathology. In contrast, the fear that he will catch or has caught some contagious disease, is often to be found in Calcarea persons, but I have never seen it as the main pathology in mental cases. The symptom, anxiety about health, will be discussed in further detail in the next section.
Another tremendous source of anxiety is a guilty conscience. The patient develops it to such a degree that neither reasoning nor logic can pacify him. The guilt develops over little things that would have been ignored by another person, but in Calcarea, due to the focus on ‘little things’ the problem is so exaggerated that it overwhelms the whole person and his life becomes intolerable.
Fear of high places or vertigo in high places is one of the main ailments that accompanies most cases of Calcarea carbonica. They may really freeze with fear when they go up a ladder, even three steps above the ground. This fear is so great that many times they dream that they are standing in a high place and feel vertigo. Calcarea cannot even tolerate somebody else standing close to the