hidden inside. The patient no longer cares about his health, does not care to fix it, cannot be bothered, and actually becomes careless about his well-being. There is no energy left to care about anything, not even his health.
During this state of indifference or whatever he chooses to call it, he is also wholly incapable of appreciating danger. It is as if he has already died; what does it matter to him if he is in jeopardy? He goes into peril without thinking. Other people may consider it a foolish boldness. Actually, the reason he does this is not because he is brave; it is rather a kind of miscalculation. His mind is too lazy to think about the possibilities of danger. Hazardous situations may often be a sort of stimulation for his dead feelings, and if others admire him for that courage or indifference to danger, he likes it.
Physical Key-notes
The nervous system of Caladium people is, at least in the earlier stages, in a of extreme excitement. Nervous, fantastic things run throughout the remedy showing its relation to neurasthenic and hysterical patients.
Caladium has an intensely irritating effect on the mucous membranes and skin, and produces many burning sensations.
The special sensitivity of the Caladium patient makes him feel as if there are crawling and creeping sensations on the skin, such as the sensation of a fly crawling on the skin or the feeling as if spider-webs were sticking here and there. These sensations are felt particularly on the face. There may also be a coldness of single parts of the body. A dry feeling, in parts of the body that would normally be moist, has also been observed.
Caladium has a marked effect upon the perspiration which may make it sweetish. The strange, rare and peculiar trait of Caladium