After this time he falls again into a deep, very heavy, yet unrefreshing sleep. When Caladium people do fall asleep, they generally sleep deeply for two or three hours, during which, nothing can awaken them. They snore tremendously and also moan and groan anxiously during sleep. It is an intensely frightening sleep for those who sleep in the same room.
Caladium’s Fears
During the earlier Caladium excitement state, where there is enthusiasm and enjoyment from the pleasures of life, especially sexual pleasures, the Cadmium patient’s nervous excitement is such that he starts from the slightest noise, when a door is slammed or even a newspaper folded. He is very irascible, and anger may be stimulated by the slightest provocation.
In this excitable phase, the Caladium patient has many apprehensions and fears, which are worse in the evening or just before he goes to sleep.
Caladium people at this stage are also afraid of the future and, more specifically, about their own health; ‘Very apprehensive about his health, worried and anxious about everything(Hering). It is a state of anxiety mixed with excitement and a hurried feeling. Caladium men become anxious whilst shaving and fear they might cut themselves. They are very careful and meticulous about everything connected to their health, worry a lot about any medicine they are given and ask repeatedly what effect it will have on their organism. They also have a fear of catching a contagious disease. They wash their hands every time they touch a cat or a dog for fear of becoming infected with worms and contracting echinococcosis.
In the later stage, when joylessness and lack of enthusiasm prevail, the Caladium person no longer cares about such things, and it seems as if the fears and apprehensions from before are deeply