
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1263

Cutting pain in the bowel and kidneys.
Pain in the abdomen, with vomiting.
Coldness in the stomach and abdomen.
The abdomen is sore, tender and tympanitic; the region of the liver is sore. Inflammatory disorders of the liver, spleen, stomach and other abdominal viscera. A case of cancer of the liver benefited greatly from Cadmium sulphuratum, as reported by the journal ‘Klassische Homeopathie , 1959, p. 282.
Pains in the stomach and hypochondria are made worse by walking or carrying heavy weights.
Rectum and Urinary Organs
Alvine evacuations, almost gelatinous, of a yellowish-green semi-fluid character. Semi-fluid stools, with urinary suppression.
Black, offensive clots of blood from the bowel.
The stools are black, bloody and offensive.
The urine is mixed with pus and blood.
Urethra feels raw and sore.
Cholera infantum.
‘The breathing stops on going to sleep, he wakes up suffocating. Fears to go to sleep.’ (Boericke)
Sleepiness in the morning, drowsiness while sitting; on falling asleep, has nightmares, subsultus tendinum, jerking in the extremities.
During sleep: moaning, smiling, eyes open, lies with head low and hands under it; interrupted breathing; feet agitated by shocks and jerking; thirst, heat, itching; lack of breath on waking.
‘Can hardly sleep; if at all, with open eyes. ’ (Hering)
Yellow fever.
Useful in fever when sweat is checked after exposure to a draught of air.
Icy coldness.