Gastric irritation. Intense retching and gagging. Black vomit. Deadly nausea; he must lie quietly to ward off the black vomit, which is already in the stomach and can be smelt.
Patient craves small quantities of cold water that are immediately vomited.
Instead of giving all the stomach symptoms of Cadmium sulphuratum, I shall quote some impressive passages of Kent’s Lectures:
‘Every time he takes cold water, which he craves, goose-flesh comes out, a creeping or horripilation like Capsicum… The stomach quits business; no digestion. Everything sours and the simplest things taken are changed and come up sour, mixed with blood and bile; rancid eructations; with great exhaustion. Nauseated all the way down to the abdomen like Ipecacuanha, Antimonium tartaricum, and Arsenicum, extensive nausea. Cold sweat. Vomiting of yellow-green mucus. Touching the lips brings on nausea. Looking over the symptoms narrated here an experienced practitioner would think of gastritis —vomiting of the simplest things. Irritation of the stomach after tedious sicknesses, like cerebro-spinal meningitis, typhoid, yellow fever. The stomach gives out; there is no digestion, and everything is vomited…
‘Many of these patients die because they cannot eat, but this remedy will save some of them. When you have a case of cancer, with burning, prostration and vomiting, Cadmium sulphuratum relieves these symptoms for weeks… It is a great remedy in the gastric irritation of carcinoma, a great palliative; coffee ground vomiting. Burning and cutting pain in the stomach. Gastric symptoms, such as occur in pregnancy, in old drunkards. Burning in the stomach extending up into the oesophagus; fluids bum all the way up into the mouth and throat; sour, acrid fluids. Cold sensation in the stomach. ’
Petroz tells us that the gastric symptoms are worse during pregnancy, in alcoholics after cramps in the stomach, after drinking beer, and in the morning.
Lancination in the left hypochondrium.
Pulsation, pressure, pain in the sides.