
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1255

Cadmium sulphide, CdS. Trituration.
The Physical Picture
This remedy is indicated mostly in cases that present symptoms of severe gastritis or gastro-enteritis. Primarily, it is the mucous membranes of the stomach that are irritated and they react with forceful vomiting. The vomit may be brownish and even black in colour, and may look like coffee grounds. This is because there is a slow oozing of blood from the mucosae of the stomach and the blood stays there for some time before it is ejected.
The intensity of the nausea, which is felt all over (in the chest, abdomen, mouth, etc.) and which is similar to Ipecacuanha or Tabacum, and the kind of vomiting (persistent, forceful and often black) suggest a severe ulceration with slow bleeding or, in chronic cases, a malignancy.
The cases that need Cadmium sulphuratum give the impression that something really serious is going on, not only because of the intensity of the pains but primarily because of the type and effect of the vomiting. The patient is prostrated from the exertion of vomiting, wants to lie down quietly and does not want any interference. He tries to stay the vomiting by remaining still, but the nausea persists and the forceful vomiting continues. The nausea is so excessive that vomiting is excited even by something merely touching the lips. Such a severe reaction of the stomach may occur in acute gastro-enteritis, yellow fever, cholera, or in
acute exacerbation of chronic cases of gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or cancer of the stomach.