sensation in the pit of the stomach, as if falling.
Continuous and annoying pulsation in the stomach; also violent burning. Very troublesome pulsation of the coeliac artery, after evening meal, corresponding with the pulsation of the right temporal artery.
Rumbling in the stomach precedes the palpitations.
Violent vomiting when perspiration fails (in intermittent fever).
Copious vomiting of blood.
Nausea in the morning which continues all day.
The appetite is lost, or else the appetite is good, but the digestion is weak. No desire for meat, which he previously used to enjoy. If he does eat, then there is weight and distress in the stomach.
Acrid acid in the stomach, which rises into the throat and mouth, making everything he attempts to eat acid.
Sharp neuralgic pains in the cardia, causing the patient to weep and cry loudly.
Acute or chronic engorgement of the liver due to heart disease.
In a case of rheumatism of the diaphragm, cured by Farrington with Cactus, he observed a constriction around the lower portion of the chest as from a cord, the constriction marking the periphery of the diaphragm; jerking breathing; sharp pains shooting through the body, towards the back and upwards into the chest, with the sensation of a rush of blood to the chest. Insupportable heat in the abdomen, as though something is burning him internally. The abdominal walls, when touched with the hand, impart a burning sensation, and are much hotter than the rest of the body.
Beating of the abdomen, in connection with palpitations.
Pain in the lower portion of the abdomen and a bearing-down sensation, at times quite severe.
Peritonitis; severe gastro-enteritis; gastric fever.
Sensation of great weight in the anus and a strong desire to evacuate a great
quantity, but nothing passes.