
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1247

Painful sensation of constriction in the lower portion of the chest, as if a cord were tightly bound around the false ribs, along with obstruction of the breathing. Sensation of great constriction in the middle of the sternum, as if the parts were compressed by iron pincers.
Feeling of constriction in the chest, preventing free speech; when forced to speak, voice is weak and hoarse.
Sudden and violent congestion of blood to the chest with awful dyspnoea and constriction of the heart; the patient is unable to lie down; the attack passes away without causing inflammation.
The chest complaints often come on or are exaggerated at 11 a.m. or 11 p.m. Inflammation of the lungs; pneumonia with hepatisation of the lungs; the first stage of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Gripping pain behind the sternum.
Pains from the lower part of chest through to the shoulder blades.
Rheumatism of the chest muscles.
‘Cactus is also a remedy for hypostatic congestion of the lungs. He cannot lie down, must sit up in bed, and there is a dullness of the lower part of each lung, gradually growing higher from an effusion of serum into the lower portion of the lungs. This hypostatic congestion is due to a cardiac weakness. Cactus will often relieve this a few times when it occurs in old broken down cases towards the end of Bright’s disease, and at the end of dropsical conditions and heart troubles. It will postpone death. ’ (Kent)
Constant pain in the region of the heart, with a sensation as if the heart were ‘bound down’, or ‘had not room enough to beat,’ or ‘as if bolts were holding it.’ The heart feels as if it is compressed, squeezed and released alternately by an iron hand.
Dull, heavy pain in the heart, aggravated by pressure; suffocating respiration; face blue; oedema, especially of the left hand and of the legs to the knees; feet icy cold; pulse intermittent. Heart disease, with oedema of the left hand only. Great pressure at the heart, going around under the left axilla to the left side of the back, like a belt of pain; like a hand grasping the heart, with soreness and