a considerable degree of difficulty in fixing upon anything settled or fixed in what he was pursuing; when conclusions were arrived at, however, they were to the mind quite satisfactory. ’ Hering also observed a ‘difficulty in finding the right expression when writing symptoms down. ’
Constriction, contraction, congestion and haemorrhage are
the main points of Cactus. In addition, there may be low blood pressure from weakness of the heart and high blood pressure from arteriosclerosis.
We find general weakness with sadness and bad humour. Weakness and prostration with low blood pressure and coldness of the extremities. The constrictive sensations can also be induced by touching the affected part, which provokes a twitching of the muscles.
Kent comments on the constrictive pain sensations: ‘When pains occur in the intestines they are constricting, but when the pains are in the long muscles they are not the constricting pains, for it is not the circular fibres then but the long fibres that contract and we call them cramps. Cactus produces some spasmodic conditions in long muscles, but not to any great extent. ’ He also provides a description of the congestive states: ‘Violent congestion and he grows stupid under it. Congestion of the brain, first with very red face, then darker from the venous stasis and then stupor. He grows sluggish under the cerebral congestion. ’
The Cactus patient can also experience sharp pains in the diaph¬ragm and girdle pain round its attachment together with indigestion.
Causation: Symptoms are brought on by any emotion, excitement, irregularities of breathing, a disappointment in love, from exertion; or attacks may come on during sleep and are