characteristics of violent congestion and constrictive cramping pain are present. In the case of dysmenorrhoea, the flow of the menses ceases upon lying down. Often the dysmenorrhoea is complicated with heart symptoms, or is connected with rheumatism of the joints.
Farrington describes a characteristic form that the constrictive feeling can assume: ‘as if her whole body was in a wire cage, and that each wire was being twisted tighter and tighter. ’ Lilienthal gives the following description from a clinical case: ‘Pains everywhere – head, arms, legs, back, chest, heart; darting, springing like chain-lightning, terminating with a sharp, vice- like grip, only to commence again a moment afterward, with restlessness and groaning. ’
Constrictive spasms of this sort and congestion may also be encountered during labour, where extremely strong pain or even suppression of labour may occur. Constriction is also to be seen at the neck of the bladder and can be so severe as to prevent the passage of urine.
As is apparent from the above, the combination of congestion and constriction is a very characteristic feature of Cactus. Its congestive violence resembles Belladonna or Aconitum. In both Cactus and Aeon., the pains are unendurable and force the patient to scream. However, you cannot confuse Aeon, with this remedy, because the tremendous agony and fear of death that Aeon, experiences are lacking in Cactus. Though Cactus people can be extremely anxious about their condition they do not show it that much and even try to hide it. The practitioner perceives their anxiety because of frequent telephone calls and the detailed descriptions of all the pain and suffering. He may perceive it as hypochondriacal anxiety, but it does not resemble the intense fear of death that the Aeon, patient expresses. In addition, the Aeon, pains are not as clearly constrictive as the Cactus pains. One might say that Aeon, is indicated in ‘pseudo’ angina cases where the patient experiences a real fear of death. Cactus can be differentiated from Bell, in that it does