fainting, or a suffocating constriction of the throat, with throbbing carotids.
In the pathological picture Cactus displays much graver conditions like valvular diseases of the heart, pulmonary oedema, myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, etc., with all the attendant symptoms. In a typical Cactus heart case we observe the patient complaining of a constant sense of constriction in the region of the heart and epigastrium, as if the heart is grasped and compressed by an iron hand. This is the most common description, but in practice the descriptions vary. We find a good many examples of patients describing the same symptom in different ways : as if the heart were ‘bound down’·, as if it ‘had not room enough to beat’·, ‘as if bolts were holding it’; ‘as if it were constricted by an iron band that prevents its normal movement’; ‘as if it were twisted in wires’; ‘as if it were compressed, squeezed and released alternately by an iron hand’; ‘as if compressed violently and violently struggling to burst its bands’, etc.
This sensation is often accompanied by great soreness and aching, soreness to the touch. An example quoted by Hering is: ‘Great pressure at heart, going around under left axilla to left back like a belt of pain; like a hand grasping the heart, with soreness and aching, and soreness to touch in all the affected region. ’
It is obvious from the symptoms mentioned so far that it is easy to confuse Cactus with Lachesis. In both remedies these sensations are very distressing, causing the patient to worry a lot.
A condition resembling angina pectoris may be induced by sudden shocks, such as a misstep in crossing the street or a jarring sensation when riding in a car. Physical exertion, such as stretching the arms above the head, may also cause this condition, or it may come on from sitting down low without taking care. The constrictive sensations around the heart are much increased by muscular exertion, by shocks, by jars, by reading aloud and by loud talking, by any emotion, any strong excitement, and also by lying on the left side at night.