He has eczema on his eyelids, on his ears.
The skin looks dirty, and greenish in colour and has an oily appearance.
He has a sensation that the skin is hanging loose.
Phlyctenoid eruption, on the skin, discharging a thin, yellow fluid, similar to that appearing in the vomit and the leucorrhoea.
Eruption of large blue boils on the skin or vesicular, grape shaped eruptions.
Gangrenous, yellow eruptions which exude an ichorous fluid.
Blisters which open and leave a raw surface on the palms and the soles. The stitching pain prevents him from sleeping at night.
Every little injury seems to suppurate and turn into pustules with corrosive pain. Red, or purplish streaks appear in the neck, the back or other parts of the body under the skin. Bluish-black swelling around the thumb nail, followed by suppuration and pain tracking up the arm.
Pompholyx in hand returning every year.
Ulcers and cancerous ulcers with burning pain. Eruptions of malignant and foetid pustules; carbuncles with the surrounding skin discoloured blue.
Softening of brain. Buboes. Cancer. Carbuncles. Caries. Chorea. Water retention. Epilepsy. Infections of heart. Impotence. Intermittent fevers. Malignant pustule. Meningitis. Panaritium. Pemphigus. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Podagra. Excessive masturbation. Infections of skin. Stammering. Suppuration. Herpetic paronychia.
Compare: Bar-c.; Asterias; Salamandra; Cicuta.
In convulsions from low grades of suppuration, Ars.; Canth.; Lach.; Tarent. In epilepsy Artem.; Calc.; Νυχ-v.; Sil.; Hyos.; Merc.; Sulphur.
In bullae, panaritia, etc.; Hep.; Lach.; Ph-ac.; Sil.
Complementary: Salamandra (epilepsy, cerebral softening) Helodesma,