
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1215

throat. The throat feels so sore that he cannot eat supper or breakfast. Cutting and lancinating pain with pulsations in the throat and eruptions in the pharynx like spots on the skin.
Nausea in morning for a week. Nausea before menses, on motion, with palpitation and after stool.
Vomiting after drinking cold water, on motion, or from smoking.
The vomit is acrid and bitter or sour after drinking, with yellow fluid in it, like that from an eruption. Vomiting of blood and bile.
An empty feeling and indigestion in the morning with pain before breakfast. Cramping pain on motion. The aura is felt in the stomach.
The appetite is irregular with an aversion to drinks, salt food and a desire for delicacies, sugar water and intoxicating drinks. Only feels thirsty while he is eating. Foetid eructations all day like rotten eggs.
The epileptic attack originates in abdomen and strange sensations are felt there; coldness in abdomen as if cold water were running through.
Convulsive movements in the abdomen after spasms.
The suppression of gonorrhea causes suppurating buboes to form in the abdomen and the groin.
The abdomen rumbles in the morning and there is foetid flatus and eructations after eating.
The liver, the spleen and the inguinal glands are inflamed; suppuration of the
inguinal glands. Gnawing pain in the liver at night and during the menses.The
pains are pulsating and worse for motion. The liver becomes enlarged and incurably obstructed.
Drinking milk and smoking causes cramping, griping pain in the abdomen. The hypochondria is painful and the patient suffers with lancinating pains which nearly cause him to faint. Movement of any kind aggravates the pain. Contraction of hypochondria and stitching, lancinating pain in the spleen during the menses.