
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1210

Marked periodicity: quartan fevers.
Uterine symptoms marked. Lymphangitis of septic origin. Symptoms of paralysis agitans. Striking rheumatic symptoms. Dipsomania.
Early senility with idiotic behaviour.
It affects the circulation, causing ebullitions of heat, flushing and burning in different places.
Convulsions with tonic and clonic spasms. Convulsions at night during sleep, from sexual excesses, masturbation or from sexual arousal; from suppressed menses or before and during the menses. Convulsions after anger, or without consciousness; in children and infants; from fright, during perspiration; or after tooth extraction.
Spasms caused by or associated with suppuration of internal parts. Spasms from fright, during coitus with cramps of the muscles.
Dreadful paroxysms several times a week or fifty paroxysms occurring during fifteen hours, with complete unconsciousness. Attacks appear every fourteenth day or with the change of moon; at full moon or at the new moon.
Putting the feet in hot water and drinking something hot sometimes breaks up the attack.
The body feels swollen and he has strange sensations; as if forced through a narrow opening or of a plug externally.
Paralysis and water retention.
There is weakness during sleep and during painful menses.
During the chorea he cannot walk. He must run or jump. The tendency to jump can be observed in several Bufo children.
The bones are sensitive and brittle and he suffers jerking in the joints. Ulcerative pain in the bones and pain from cancerous infections. Suppurating wounds, carbuncles, buboes and fistulae of the bones. Lymphangitis due to injuries, when the pain runs up in streaks. Ulcers of the glands.
Foetid discharges and exhalations.