
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1206

before convulsions.
Speech unintelligible before epileptic convulsion. Spasmodic laughing in epilepsy, before, during or after.
Sighing before epileptic attacks.
Characteristics of Convulsions
Constant convulsive movement of eyeballs.
Red face during convulsion.
Involuntary urination during convulsions.
Perspiration during convulsions.
Premature senility. Epileptic symptoms. Convulsive seizures occur during sleep at night. More or less connected with disturbances of the sexual sphere, which seem to come within the range of this remedy.
Mental Symptoms
Bufo is one of the main remedies to cause mental retardation. The Bufo individual will act very immaturely, almost idiotically, but the remedy never touches real idiocy. Typical behaviour includes causeless and childish laughter, laughter over serious matters, idiotic and childish behaviour, tittering, giggling and making gestures.
The senses seem to vanish, and he becomes feeble-minded and absent- minded with great weakness of memory. He cannot remember what he has just done and he makes mistakes in speaking, misplacing words or using the wrong words. In the morning, after eating the mind is confused as if he was intoxicated. The state of dullness and sluggishness is ameliorated in the evening. The patient is sensitive to music, sensitive to noise, is easily startled and will start from fright or from noise.