from suppressed eruptions; during typhoid fever (of putrid odour), brown. Constipation, stool large and hard.
Genitalia – female: suppression of menses, with the characteristic gastric
derangements, or with periodical discharge of blood elsewhere, nose, throat, etc. Inflamed ovaries. Puerperal fever is the early stage, with headache, pains in limbs, weakness. Suppressed lochia. Pelvic peritonitis. Inflammation of mammary glands, mammae much swollen, hot, sharp pain.
Back: severe muscular pain in back, lumbago, etc.
Extremities: acute inflammation of numerous joints, especially of the large joints, characterised by swelling, heat, shiny redness, better with warm wraps, intolerance of slightest motion, etc. Sciatica worse lying on the affected side. Muscular rheumatism. In all forms of rheumatism, acute, chronic, muscular or articular, there is generally the additional indication of easy, profuse perspiration.
Fever: It is frequently indicated in scarlet fever, when the eruption does not develop well and the general symptoms of the drug are present; the same is true of measles. In typhoid fever it is very frequently indicated in the early stage with the occipital headache, furred tongue, thirst, abdominal soreness, etc. In a great variety of fevers not eruptive. For febrile states, which are the accompaniment of inflammatory processes in various organs and tissues, always with headache, thirst and intolerance of motion (closely allied to Iod ).
Anger; fright; chagrin. Suppressed eruptions and discharges. Alcohol. Gluttony. Wounds. Cold winds. Heat of the sun. Drinking cold drinks when heated. Catching cold, getting chilled.