open air. The patient is predominately chilly but frequently with heat of the head, red cheeks and is thirsty. Shaking from chill with heat of face and head or shaking with chill from a draft of air.
The chill is mainly in the morning and is right sided.
Chill with external coldness of the body which begins and extends from the right side of the body; begins in and extends from the tips of the fingers and the toes; begins in and extends from the lips or the hands and feet.
Chill after exposure to swamps in tropical countries or after exposure from becoming wet. Violent chill with delirium; chill after anger; before urination, in the evening during motion or on turning over in bed; at noon after sleep. Creeping chill after the afternoon siesta. The patient feels chilly and confused in the head after his midday nap; chilliness when washing. External chill at night after waking. Chill in stormy weather or in the hot weather of summer or between 4-5 a.m.
Chilliness yet warm to touch when going into the open air. Chilliness mostly in the evening and often only on one side, the right side. Lying ameliorates the chill.
Chilliness ameliorated in the open air and from drinking warm drinks but aggravated from eating warm things and being in a warm room.
Immediately after lying down in bed in the evening, there is a sensation of heat, with external heat over him, but without thirst, lasting the whole night; the patient turns from one side to the other but does not dare to uncover any part, because it immediately causes violent pain in the abdomen; a painful griping- sticking or a sticking-griping, as if flatus moves spasmodically here and there. Fever in the afternoon while walking; in the evening after lying down. Fever at night with dry, burning heat and anxiety. The temperature is high and the blood seems to burn in the veins.
The patient wants to be quiet in any stage of fever. Noise will bring on a fever.
Warm rooms and warmth aggravates the fever.
Nervous fever with pain in the limbs.
Fever from 9-12 p.m. A feeling of heat in the face, with redness and thirst; heat in
the head in the morning with a feeling as if the heat would come out of the forehead.
The patient has fever without chill and the fever is continued from 9-12 p.m.