weakness after the least exertion.
Riding makes the extremities painful; the pain in the joints alternates with the pain in the limbs and the joints become painful after eating, ameliorated by pressure.
Coldness of the extremities in the morning with numbness of the limbs on waking. Motion of extremities, with a waving motion of left arm and leg, accompanied by sighing.
Dry, itchy or moist eruptions on the extremities.
Upper limbs: shoulders and upper arm feel tense and lame when being raised. Tearing pain in the upper arm in the morning; alternating with tearing pain in the hip. In the morning the patient has tearing pain in the upper limbs, ameliorated when he gets up. The upper left limbs feel stiff. There is pain in the shoulder when holding anything firmly with the hand or when the patient coughs. Painful tension and pressure in the right shoulder, when at rest.
Drawing pain in shoulder alternating with drawing pain in hips. Sensation as if cold water (also hot water) were running from clavicle down to toes along a narrow line.
Pain in upper limbs during chill, during the menses and on motion. They feel sore and bruised whilst sitting. Burning pain and weariness in the arms with constant trembling of the arms and fingers. Shuddering and shaking in the upper limbs. The limbs and joints become hot, red and swollen and have a shiny appearance or look pale and swollen.
The wrist is painful on moving it and feels as though it were dislocated. If the hands become warm the patient then has fine stitching pains in the wrists which do not disappear on moving them. Stitching pain in the fingers when writing or on exertion, with a sensation as if the finger-joints were swollen and puffed, ameliorated by warmth. The last joint of the little finger is hot, pale and swollen, with sticking in it, on attempting to move it or pressing it. Stiffness and rheumatic swelling in the elbow. Swelling on the elbow as far as middle of the upper arm and forearm; a feeling in the right elbow as if the arm were broken.
Heat and inflammation in the palms of the hands and heat in the forearm