
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1186

drinking ameliorates the cough.
Cough in bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy and pneumonia. Cough during pregnancy.
Coughing with a red face; with sneezing, hoarseness, involuntary escape of urine, thirst, stitches in the chest and the small of the back.
Expectoration: in morning is tough, streaked, bloody or brown. Brick coloured or rusty- looking mucus falls like lumps of jelly or is thin and watery.
Expectoration tastes burnt; smoky; like putrid meat; or like wine.
Inner and Outer Chest: constriction of the chest; with the desire to breathe deeply and a
feeling as if the chest were stopped and no air could get in. Attempting to breathe deeply is painful as if something were being distended which could not be distended completely, or a feeling of smoke in the chest. Anxiety in the chest in the morning. Constriction in chest from cold air, when falling asleep or on exertion of the heart. The chest feels oppressed in the morning when talking and is ameliorated by passing flatus. Respiration, deep respiration, inspiration, sneezing, laughing, motion and sitting all cause or aggravate the pain in the chest. The pains are cutting, stitching, pressing or a sore, bruised feeling throughout the whole chest. Tearing pain in the right side of the chest, which caused the patient to hold his breath in order not to cry out.
As the patient breathes he has a sensation that the chest is distending.
Sensation of heaviness beneath the sternum, which extends toward the right shoulder, impeding respiration; deep inspiration is only accomplished with exertion. Sensation in the chest as if all there were detached and falling into the abdomen.
Chest pain and pain behind the sternum during cough and during inspiration which compels the patient to press the hand to the middle of chest. Pressure ameliorates pain as does lying on the painful side. The
patient has to lie still and lie on the back or the abdomen to get relief, as motion of any kind aggravates the pain.
Dull pain extending from region of the lower angle of the shoulder-blade forward. Fluttering in the chest when ascending steps.