Swelling of the left labia majora with eruptions of hard black pustules, but without inflammation or pain.
Larynx and Trachea: irritation and rawness of the larynx with a sensation as if a crumb is in there. Hoarseness, worse in the open air. Tickling in the air passages at night or in a warm room. Sensation of a vapour, on going from a warm room into the open air, causing the patient to cough and a feeling as if he could not inspire enough air.
After coughing there is excoriating pain in the larynx which is aggravated by speaking or smoking tobacco. Bending the head backwards or turning the neck is also painful. Irritation and tough mucus in the trachea, which is loosened only after frequent hacking.
Pain and soreness in the trachea on coughing and inspiring.
Voice: rough and hoarse during coryza, after measles and from singing.
Hoarseness when walking in open air and when in a warm room.
Respiration: difficult, rough, accelerated and deep with a desire to take deep breaths. The patient feels that he must try and fill his lungs and takes frequent short breaths and has a constant disposition to sigh, and sigh deeply. Deep breathing, during the cough. The discomfort in the chest impedes the breathing and the pain takes the breath away. The patient is obliged to remain quite still.
Respiration is difficult and slow especially during motion or on entering a warm room from the open air. The patient is able to breathe more easily in the open air, when lying quietly or when walking.
Respiration is difficult in the upper part of the sternum with a feeling of oppression in the chest. Sensation of heaviness beneath the sternum, which extends toward the right shoulder, impeding respiration; deep inspiration is only accomplished with exertion. Raising the arms makes respiration difficult, as does laughing and talking; worse at 9 p.m. in the morning and accompanied with nosebleeds.
Asthma, with a feeling as if something should expand, but would not. Asthmatic respiration from the open air, in warm room or in the evening at 9 p.m.,