Drawing and stitching pain in right testicle and in the testes extending to inguinal ring.
Genitalia – female
Suppression of the menses with bleeding of the nose or bad headache. Menses suppressed after getting hot, by ironing, after exertion, or from fright; in plethoric women. Menstrual irregularities with gastric symptoms. Menses too early and too profuse, with dark red blood; backache, splitting headache and tractive pain in the limbs during the flow; all worse from motion. Protracted menses which are copious, dark, brownish or membranous. The flow has a bad smell.
Suppressed lochia from the cold, with sensation as though head would
Metrorrhagia of dark, fluid blood with a feeling of heat, aggravated by motion. Inter- menstrual pain with great abdominal and pelvic soreness.
Inflammation of ovaries, in particular the right ovary with pain extending down to the thigh.
Lying on right side ameliorates pain in right ovary, or lying on the painful side ameliorates the pain.
Stitching pain on taking a deep breath, from motion and the ovaries are very sensitive to touch.
The uterus is generally sore and painful, aggravated by motion, diminished by pressure and rest. Inflammation and hydropsia of the uterus.
Sore pain in the abdomen before the menses.
Abortion from becoming overheated, or from exertion.
Puerperal fever, particularly when the breasts are distended with milk.
Deep inhalations are painful; there are stitches in abdomen, which is greatly distended, thirst fo r large quantities of water, and the patient cannot lie upon either side.
Nursing women who get cold, then ache all over. The head feels as if it would burst, the lips are dry and parched, the breasts swollen and feel heavy and the milk suppressed.
First stage of mammary abscess where the breasts become hard, hot and painful.