
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1179

sensation of heat. Pain in the stomach after eating bread, while walking, during heat or on motion, during the chill or with constipation. Constrictive sensation in the stomach in the afternoon at 4 p.m., aggravated by deep inspiration. The constrictive pain in the region of the stomach is relieved by drawing the legs up against the abdomen. Constriction of pylorus and contraction in the stomach after eating, sometimes to vomiting.
The epigastric region is painful to pressure, even to the pressure of clothes.
Heat, pressure, warm drinks, and sitting bent over ameliorates the pain. Burning sensations in the stomach after wine, on bending forward or from motion. Standing erect ameliorates cramping pain.
Pressing pain in stomach, better when bending backward, worse when bending forward.
The pains usually come on in the afternoon, from 4 – 5 p.m., and are better while sitting bent.
Bending to the right, taking a false step, or eructations cause stitching pain in the stomach; worse when lying down on the side.
The stomach becomes easily disordered; after excitement, after a cold, after food and eating cold food which brings on indigestion. Inflammation in the stomach after getting cold. Numbness and apprehension felt in the stomach.
All liindc nf flatulent food aggravate and the patient is generally worse from buttermilk, warm food, hot drinks, ice, indigestible things, hot milk, oil, fruit, raw food, rice, salad, sauerkraut, sausages, spoiled sausages, starchy food, turnips and vegetables.
Cold drinks and water aggravate when heated or in hot weather.
There is a desire for beer, wine, strong coffee, for sour and acid things, for sweet things and strange things, for lime, earth, chalk, clay, for warm milk, warm drinks and soups and for cold drinks and water during a chill.
Aversion to fats, rich food, to meat, milk, beer in the evening, hard boiled eggs, cabbage, turnips and hot drinks.
Aversion to food after eating only a little; children are averse to drinks. Warm drinks can ameliorate, or the patient is better with cold drinks, cold water and cold food.