
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1177

Dryness and a scraped feeling in the throat makes speaking very difficult and the speech becomes very indistinct.
Tough, tenacious mucus in the larynx and trachea, especially in the fauces and only loosened by hawking or hacking.
Choking when clearing the throat. Worse coming into a warm room and in the evening.
Raw pain in throat on empty swallowing or after swallowing liquids. Swallowing solid food is difficult and food is felt in oesophagus until it enters the stomach. The throat is painful on turning the head and in a warm room. Crawling in throat causing the patient to cough, but coughing and swallowing cause stitching pains in the throat.
Painful tonsils in the morning on waking; the back of the throat feels swollen with a sensation of swelling and constriction in the oesophagus.
Itching needle-like stitches in the throat especially when walking rapidly, which irritate and cause scratching and then disappear after scratching.
The external throat feels stiff along the sides with soreness on moving it. Spots and urticaria appear on the external throat.
Burning, vehement thirst with a desire to drink large quantities of water. Great thirst with internal heat but without feeling hot externally; great thirst after anger, during all stages of fever; before and during stool. Frequent drinking of cold water relieves the bitter taste and the inclination to vomit.
He was obliged to lie perfectly quiet, because the slightest motion caused nausea, even vomiting. Rising up in bed brings on faintness and nausea which is ameliorated by drinking cold water.
Nausea after beer; after wine, after coffee; during evening meal; while drinking; or even at the thought of food.
Nausea at night and while lying on the side, or while washing or on rinsing out the mouth. Incessant vomiting of solid food, but not of drinks, or vomiting after drinking or after drinking the smallest quantity.