
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1172

Pressure outward in the brain and digging with pressure towards the forehead and a desire to lie down. Rushing of blood to the head, with dark red color to the face, but the patient feels generally chilly. On stooping there is a sensation as if everything were going to fall out through the forehead. The brain feels compressed inside the head which is made worse by sitting, worse raising the eyes and with an inability to rise. The headache may become seated in the occiput or be frontal and affect the frontal sinuses.
The patient wakes in the morning confused, with boring and aching pain in the head as if he had been drinking heavily with a disinclination to rise. Feels confused after getting up from bed; before sleep; with drawing in the occiput extending in to the neck.
Pulsating pain in occiput; in the vertex on waking; pain around the occipital protuberance; from the sun; in the morning while lying on the back, which extends to the shoulders, like a heaviness which pressed upon a sore spot; during the menses.
Amelioration at noon. Aggravated by noise and warmth.
Headache in the temples extending to the face.
Pressure on coughing; pressing pain from shaking the head; shooting pain in the head sometimes only on one side. Stitches through the head from stepping hard going from the front backwards.
Bursting pain during the menses; after drinking cold water when hot; when coughing. On coughing the patient holds his head with his hands.
Strange bubbling sensations in the head; chirping and gurgling noises in the temples.
Turning, twisting sensations in the head; the brain feels as though it is
The scalp is very sensitive, especially towards the evening and cannot even bear
to use a soft brush. The hair is very greasy and seems fatty in the morning; the hands become fatty whilst combing.
Sour smelling, oily perspiration on the head, worst at night in bed Pain is worse from motion, touch, heat, stooping or opening the eyes.
Feels worse if he is disturbed in any way.
The patient prefers to lie with the head high and in a dark room; lying on the back or on the painful side and lying with the eyes closed brings relief.
Amelioration by cool air and being left alone.