Characteristic stitching and tearing pain with aversion to the least movement. The patient avoids even moving the eyes, and raising the head from the pillow causes faintness, nausea and vomiting. This stitching pain is found everywhere, but especially in the chest. Has strong effect on nerves and muscles, where it causes inflammation and soreness. Muscles become hard, after neuralgia.
The typical Bryonia patient is of dark complexion and hair, plethoric or choleric constitution, has a bilious tendency with firm fleshy fibre and a tendency to great irritability and bad temper. Easily angered (with biliousness, headache, and dyspepsia).
Ailments after: anger, catalepsy from anger, chagrin, fright, suppressed eruptions and discharges; alcohol, over-indulgence in rich food and red meat, wounds; black or brown abscesses with acrid pus, suppressed abscesses. Ulcers of the skin with fistulae. Aluminium poisoning. Influenza. Measles after repelled exanthema. Lack of reaction in exanthema.
A remedy which closely resembles Bryonia and which is often effective when a case appears to call for Bryonia but fails to respond to it is Stellaria media. It is a remedy for rheumatism, stiffness of the joints, synovitis, general irritability; the neck muscles are ‘stiff and sore’; ‘the eyes feel protruded’. There is an aggravation from movement in this remedy as well.
There is typically an aggravation from heat. Complaints from drinking cold drinks in hot weather, from taking cold or getting hot in summer;
complaints when the warm weather sets in after cold days.
Irritability of mind and tissues runs through this remedy and chilliness predominates.
Headache or neuralgia in (left) side of the head and face, aggravated by moving and ameliorated by hard pressure and cold applications.