Bryonia has ailments from mortification and from chagrin and these are usually headaches.
Pychosis and Delusions: Irrationality and psychosis with a desire to travel. Mental insecurity.
Raging and raving during delirium, which occurs at daybreak, in the morning or in the evening, at night. On closing the eyes, he becomes loquacious and busy. He has a presentiment of death and many delusions: as if the bed were sinking, the bed is too hard, imagines he is doing business, sees dead persons, sees faces on closing eyes, illusions of fantasy; thinks is away from home, is in a strange land, is being injured, being beaten; sees people on closing eyes, thought he was pursued by soldiers, sees spectres, ghosts, spirits, friends appear as strangers. Desires to leave home and talks about home.
During the delirium he attempts to escape through the window. Impetuous during perspiration with moaning, groaning, during sleep. Symptoms are aggravated by heat.
Starting on falling asleep in the evening, also in bed while lying awake; startled from sleep.
Muttering and shrieking during sleep and becomes excitable with exaltation of fancies; very anxious and fearful during a fever. Talks about business matters when he is delirious and thinks he is somewhere else and wants to go home.
Waves his hands around and gesticulates with the delirium. Unconsciousness in the morning, after delirium, during fever, on rising in the morning and on rising up.
With the information provided above, one can cure any condition that manifests the typical Bryonia picture, be it bronchitis, pneumonia, intercostal neuralgia, constipation, diarrhoea, etc. But the symptomatology must be present; dryness, aggravation from motion, irritability, the desire to be left alone, thirst etc.