during heat, during menses, and during perspiration.
Irritability in liver troubles and from cough during whooping cough. Quarrelsome and inclined to scold those around him. Envious of others and feels himself unfortunate. Becomes violently angry from contradiction. After having been angry he is chilly, but has a red face with heat in the head.
Ill Humour: morose during whooping cough.
Ill humour with needless anxiety and everything seems to put him in a bad mood. Mocking and sarcastic. Bad tempered and weeping mood. Wearisome, weeping, tearful mood, in day time and at night, before coughing, during the heat, during the perspiration; he feels nervous all day. Taciturn and disinclined to conversation. Answers hastily, does not ask for anything and wishes to be alone. He is averse to any company, particularly the presence of strangers and does not wish to be disturbed. Aversion to being touched.
Dissatisfaction: generally discontented and dissatisfied with himself. Complaining and despondent.
Anxieties and Apprehensions: extreme anxiety for the future, especially in the evening, in bed at night, before midnight; ameliorated in the open air. Anxiety about his health and thinking about his complaints aggravates his symptoms. Baseless anxiety; feels anxious in the house.
The state of apprehension is felt in the whole body forcing him to do something constantly. He is always busy and thinks about his work or his business all the time. Hurried, impatient and industrious. Conscientious about trifles. Avarice with a desire to have material objects and make plenty of money. Fear of poverty.
Restlessness: restlessness, nervousness, at night, with anxiety, during headache, during perspiration.