Fullness in the chest before menses.
Aching pain in sides on turning chest, on walking, after eating, when lifting. Pressure in sides of the chest.
Drawing pain below the clavicle and in the sides extending to scapula. Stitching pain while walking rapidly and in the sides extending towards the arms, in the morning, in the region of the right axilla and under the mammae. Epithelioma of mammae.
Moist eruptions in axilla.
Coagulated haemorrhage and hepatisation of the lungs. Purulent and ulcerative tuberculosis; inflammation of the right lung.
Sensation as if the lungs were full of smoke.
Stiffness in the neck with swelling in the glands of the neck. Two encysted tumours on both sides of the neck. There is stiffness in the cervical region which is worse in the afternoon.
Coldness while sitting.
Aching with chill, at the inner border of the left scapula up to the neck, on moving the left arm, or sitting leaning to the left.
Back pain in the lumbar region alternating with headache and before the menses with weakness and lack of appetite.
The lumbar region feels tense during motion.
Boring pain in the spinous processes of different vertebrae; tearing pain in the dorsal region.
Stiffness in all the limbs, worse around mid-morning and ameliorated in the afternoon.
Pain in the limbs alternating with chilliness and heat. Coldness in the evening in a warm room.