Pimples on tongue with stitching pain on the tip.
Tongue has a sensation of dryness and cannot be protruded.
The mouth is open during sleep.
Nail biting.
Scraping in the throat and a rough deep voice; inflammation of the throat with net-like redness of dilated blood vessels and corroded places.
Hoarseness coming on from being overheated.
Swelling of the mucous membranes of the fauces and pharynx.
Elongation and inflammation of the uvula.
Tonsils swollen and deep red.
Membrane on the left side, extending to the nose.
Diphtheria begins in the larynx and runs upwards.
Pain when bending head forward.
Pressing pain in cervical glands in throat pit. The glands are stony hard and swollen.
Pressing pain in oesophagus.
Catarrh in throat which is loose and rattles with the breathing and when coughing, but does not cause choking.
The mucus is frothy.
Dryness in the evening.
Erosion in spots.
Pain in left side of throat.
Pain in throat when touched; on the left side; on turning the head; extending to the ear on swallowing. Swallowing liquids more difficult than solids. Spasms and tension in the throat.
Sensation of sulphur vapour in throat during coughing.
Tickling in the trachea during inspiration. Touching external throat aggravates. Fullness in the throat with heat in oesophagus.
Cystic tumours in side of external throat.