
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1132

Cancerous infection.
Painful varicose veins and suppressed gonorrhea.
Acridity, excoriations, with moist blackness of external parts. Aversion to cold drinks; onions.
Desire for oysters.
Feeling of dust in internal parts.
Aggravated by inhalation of smoke; milk, onions, oysters, hot weather, or becoming warm, change of weather from cold to warm, damp weather, summer solstice, walking over running water or seeing and hearing running water, lying on the left side. Time of aggravation is evening until midnight.
Ameliorated by air at the sea shore, by shaving, by violent motion, after drinking coffee or wine, lying on the right side, riding a horse, riding in a car, running, walking fast.
Vertigo when crossing a bridge or when walking over running water. Anxiety with vertigo. Feels dizzy from seeing rapid motion in front of him. Vertigo in damp weather.
Dizziness ameliorated when followed by epistaxis.
Vertigo in the morning on waking, in the evening in bed, on lying down, during menses with a tendency to fall backwards.
Smoking, sunlight and heat causes dizziness and warm rooms aggravate.
Heaviness in the occiput and the forehead in the heat of the sun; goes away in the shade, and is ameliorated by darkness. There is a sensation as if everything would fall out of the forehead.
Heat of head in occiput; the head feels congested and he fears a stroke.
Damp weather or the heat of the sun will cause pain in the occiput; pain in left
side, ameliorated when lying on right side with the hand over the head.