
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1128

membranous formation. Membranous exudate is a natural course of events. A natural feature of the mucous membrane is infiltration, so that the mucous membrane appears to exude little greyish-white vegetations, and beneath them is induration. An ulcer will form upon the mucous membrane and eat in, and build beneath it a hardened stratum of tissue. These catarrhal states are accompanied by febrile conditions.
Cystic tumours, atheroma, steatoma and gangrenous wounds are all conditions for which you should think of Bromium.
There is a premenstrual syndrome that is characteristic of Bromium. The patient complains of a fullness in the head and chest, with difficult respiration and headache and an indescribable strange, ill-feeling all over, which makes her feel depressed or Sow-spirited. She says, “I do not feel as I generally do, but can’t say why.”
The Mental-Emotional Picture
The process of swelling and induration of the glands described earlier is mirrored within the Bromium patient’s mind and emotions; in the same way that the glands lose their ability to function and are unable to clear the impurities of the blood, so we see a process of petrification taking place in that portion of the mind that is concerned with the clarifying processes.
The mind loses its flexibility and becomes as immovable as a stone and quite unable to function. The patient then enters an indescribable state of paralytic anxiety. She cannot say what is wrong with her; a queer, ill-feeling prevails which makes her so low- spirited and depressed that she has no desire to do anything. This condition may be accompanied by some pain somewhere, although the patient is incapable of determining whether the pain is the