“Hoarseness coming on from getting overheated. Loss of voice coming on from getting overheated. ” A turmoil in the whole economy; with headaches, coming on from getting overheated. That runs through Bromium. So it is in the hot weather, and being confined to a hot room, and after going from the cold into the heat. But after the complaint comes on, no matter where it is, he is so sensitive to cold that a draft of cool air freezes him; but he cannot be overheated without suffering. ’
A very good description of a typical acute attack, whether of croup or diphtheria, is the following : ‘violent suffocative breathing, accompanied with dry, obstinate and croupy cough. High fever and flushed face; during a coughing paroxysm the face and lips would become purple and eyes congested with much lachrymation. Coldness of feet, very restless at night, tossing and pitching about most of the night. Pulse quick, feeble and tremulous. Hoarseness and almost entire loss of voice. ’
In croup Bromium is rarely indicated in the early stages.
A symptom running through many Bromium ailments is palpitat¬ion. You will find palpitation with nausea, palpitation with headache, palpitation with anxiety, with premenstrual disorders or various kinds of nervous excitement. Hypertrophy of the heart and palpitation may be present, with pain of the heart going up to an axilla.
You may confuse Bromium with Bell., particularly in states when, after exposure to the cold from being heated, the patient comes down with fever, with hot head and cold extremities. The points to note here are that the face is not as red and the fever does not develop as fast or run as high as in Bell. Moreover Bell, does not exhibit so much restlessness during the high fever period.
Catarrhal infections are accompanied by a more or less important