
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1113

Great sleepiness early in the evening.
Falling asleep immediately after coitus or difficulty in falling asleep after coitus and laying awake until late.
Frequent waking and dreams of frightful things: imprisonment; of being bitten by snakes; falling into a cellar; drowning.
Waking from scratching in larynx and from itching of the skin.
Sweat in axillae which smells like onions.
Sweat in the morning from 5-6 a.m.
Chill with pain and chill whilst eating.
Chilliness not ameliorated in a warm room nor by a warm stove in the morning, and severe every evening from 7-10 p.m. Chill can last all night with symptoms of intermittent fever.
External chill in the night after waking.
Predominating, long lasting chill without heat, sweat or thirst.
Long lasting shaking without heat or sweat, or shuddering alternating with heat.
The skin of the fingers becomes unusually dented by the instruments being worked with.
Urticaria on excitement, with rheumatic lameness, palpitation and diarrhoea.
Itching at night, on and after bathing, bathing in cold water, during menses. Red, crusty eruption on the thighs and bends of the knees; it disappears for weeks, reappearing in hot weather and at the full moon.
The comers of the mouth are broken out.
Severe itching on the coccyx, so that he is obliged to scratch it until sore. Crusty eruptions in warm weather; acne which is worse in the summer.
Pimples and miliary eruption, with burning itching.
Tensive pimples, dry and reddish, covering the hands.