the nose, the neck, the vertex and the occiput.
Pulsations in the right side to the left in the morning; quivering in the head. Itching over the whole scalp, extending to the neck, especially if he becomes warm, so that he is obliged to scratch the forehead, which is not relieved by scratching. Scratching to the point of bleeding.
The scalp becomes very sensitive to touch, the hair falls out easily and there are areas of excoriation on the scalp.
The bone of the sockets is sensitive to pressure during menstruation.
Pain in the eyes causing the person to keep them shut.
Burning pain in the eyes on stooping; drawing pain in the evening.
The margins appear blue, the eyes look dull, without brightness.
Agglutination of the lids in the morning; redness of the canthi and irritation of the lids.
Lachrymation in the morning.
Tension in the eyebrows.
Mistakes in vision.
Objects seem to be nearer than they really are.
Diminished hearing with tingling in the left ear. Hardness of hearing with frequent misunderstanding and mistakes in speaking.
Ulceration in right ear with pain on swallowing.
Boils in meatus with scabby and humid eruptions in the ears. Foetid pus oozes from the ears. The ears itch and irritate, ameliorated by boring with the finger. Stitching and drawing pains; pain extends to the jaw.
Tearing pain in the afternoon; after evening meal with quivering and tension in concha.
Twitching in both external ears.