
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1104

Numbness and tingling in multiple neuritis.
There are flushes of heat while eating; desire only for bread. Ebullition of blood, with much thirst. Marked effect on the skin, producing eruptions like eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, corns, warts.
Faintness at noon; on sitting down.
Aggravated by cold food, coffee, wine, before menses, by getting warm, hot weather and full moon; time of aggravation from 6-8 p.m. Ameliorated by bending double, hot food and eating.
Sudden attacks of vertigo and feeling of stupidity in the head, on rising; losing consciousness for a moment, before, during and after headache in the morning.
Vertigo from having drunk only a little wine.
Vertigo after coitus or after emission.
Sensation as if head were enlarging, especially the occiput.
Sensation as if a wedge were pressed into the occiput.
Numbness in the head after coitus.
Heaviness after a siesta; after walking in open air.
Constrictive pain in the head, ameliorated by breakfast, on entering a room, or when head becomes warm; aggravated by the warmth of the bed.
Pain in the morning on the right side at 8 a.m., at midnight, at 3 a.m. and in the evening on the left side.
Pain in the centre of the brain, with a sensation as if the head were enlarged. Nightly headache with unsupportable pain on raising the head.
Pains pressing, stitching and stunning.
Compressive and bruised sensations in and around the head.
Headache when walking in the open air, ameliorated in a warm room.
Pain over the eyes, and all over the head extending to the centre of the head, to