
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1097

Swollen, livid and cold with haemorrhagic infiltration; black spots on the skin.
Deep and dissecting gangrene with the bones being laid bare and necrotic.
Blindness, day blindness; necrosis of bones; gangrene; haemorrhages; congest¬ion of lungs; paralysis of the tongue.
Compare: Toxicophis (Moccasin Snake), pain and fever recur annually, after bite from this snake, and sometimes change location with disappearance of first symptoms. An unusual dryness of skin follows the bite. Oedematous swellings and periodical neuralgia. Pain travels from one part to another;
Other snake poisons, notably Lachesis;
Trachinus, (Stingfish) intolerable pain, swelling, acute blood poisoning, gangrene.
From 12x to 10M.