
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1077

Walking slowly ameliorates pain in chest.
Pressing, stitching pain during inspiration, when sneezing, on coughing, when raising arm, when touched, when yawning. Stitches between the ribs of the right side, if he lies upon the painful side the pain immediately wakes him from sleep. Pressure ameliorates stitching pain in right side.
Pain in sides from annoyance and from wine.
Pressing pain in sternum on deep respiration, when sitting stooped, in sternum after evening meal.
Rawness in the morning.
Sore pain, holds chest with hands during cough.
With every cough and deep inspiration sticking in the chest.
Stitching pain in sides on exertion, during menses.
Stitching when yawning; in the region of the right nipple in the evening with every paroxysm of cough; between right ribs, worse lying on right side, with drawing and obstruction of breathing.
Stitching pain in sides ameliorated on washing with cold water. Sensation of constriction of left mamma, when child nurses from right.
Sensation of emptiness in mammae after child nurses.
Drawing, stitching pain in opposite mamma than the one child nurses. Pulsation of mammae.
Stitching pain in right nipple.
Stitching pain in mammae during cough.
Griping pain in mammae.
Griping and sometimes stitches in the left mamma, and when the child has nursed she is obliged to compress the mamma with her hand, because it aches on account of being empty.
Aching in mammae when empty.
Pain in the right mamma when coughing, ameliorated by pressure and pain in the right flank, ameliorated by walking slowly about the room.
Child refuses mother’s milk.
Stringy milk. Milk is thick and tastes bad. Cheesy milk.
Increased milk.
Milk in non-nursing women.