Pain in left side extending to vagina.
Pain in spleen from a jar, during heat.
Burning pain in left hypochondrium on deep breathing.
Cutting pain after breakfast and distension after supper in hypochondria.
Cutting pain in hypochondria extending downward to umbilicus.
Pressing pain in left hypochondrium when deep breathing, while riding, and extending to scapula.
Stitching pain in sides, aggravated by wine.
Rumbling before and after evening meal, ameliorated by eructations and passing flatus.
Flatulence after every meal.
Heaviness in inguinal region as from a load.
Sensation of a hard body moving in abdomen. The abdomen has a shrivelled appearance.
Diarrhoea from sudden noise is a great key-note.
Diarrhoea; six times from morning to 2 p.m., without pain.
Aphthous condition of anus with itching in the evening and moisture after stool.
Frequent very easy stool every day.
Diarrhoea after chocolate, after pears, which is aggravated from emotions or smoking.
Soft, light-yellow, or albuminous/mucous stool, three times a day, with weakness and exhaustion.
Slimy, mucous stool like boiled starch or brown, red, tenacious, trans¬parent, white.
Green stools (in an infant) preceded by crying. Frequent and easy.
Stools alternating hard and soft; long, narrow with cadaverous odour.
Urinary organs
Retention of urine in the evening with violent urging to urinate at night and frequent urination at night, seldom during the day.